US Inflation in 1983

1983 Inflation Calculator

Amount in 1983:

RESULT: $5 in 1983 is worth $14.87 today.

You might be interested in calculating the value of $5 for the year 1988. Or calculate the value of $5 for the year 1993


$5 in 1983 is worth $14.87 today.

The value of $5 from 1983 to 2022

$5 in 1983 has the purchasing power of about $14.87 today, a $9.87 increase in 39 years. Between 1983 and today, the dollar experienced an average annual inflation rate of 2.83%, resulting in a cumulative price increase of 197.47%.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics consumer price index, today's prices are several times higher than the average price since 1983.

In 1983, the inflation rate was 13.55%. Inflation is now 3.21% higher than it was last year. If this figure holds true, $5 today will be worth $21.05 next year in purchasing power.

Inflation from 1983 to 2022

Summary Value
Cumulative price change (from 1983 to today) 197.47%
Average inflation rate (from 1983 to today) 2.83%
Converted amount $14.87
Price Difference $9.87
CPI in 1983 99.6
CPI in 2022 296.276
Inflation in 1983 13.55%
Inflation in 2022 3.21%
$5 in 1983 $14.87 in 2022

Buying power of $5 in 1983

If you had $5 in your hand in 1983, its adjusted value for inflation today would be $14.87. Put another way, you would need $14.87 to beat the rising inflation. When $5 becomes equivalent to $14.87 over time, the "real value" of a single US dollar decreases. In other words, a dollar will pay for fewer items at the store.

This effect explains how inflation gradually erodes the value of a dollar. By calculating the value in 1983 dollars, it's evident how $5 loses its worth over 39 years.

Dollar inflation for $5 from 1983 to 2022

The below tabular column shows the effect of inflation on $5 in the year 1983 to the year 1983.

Year Dollar Value Inflation Rate
1983 5 13.55%
1984 5.22 4.32%
1985 5.4 3.56%
1986 5.5 1.86%
1987 5.7 3.65%
1988 5.94 4.14%
1989 6.22 4.82%
1990 6.56 5.40%
1991 6.84 4.21%
1992 7.04 3.01%
1993 7.25 2.99%
1994 7.44 2.56%
1995 7.65 2.83%
1996 7.87 2.95%
1997 8.06 2.29%
1998 8.18 1.56%
1999 8.36 2.21%
2000 8.64 3.36%
2001 8.89 2.85%
2002 9.03 1.58%
2003 9.23 2.28%
2004 9.48 2.66%
2005 9.8 3.39%
2006 10.12 3.23%
2007 10.41 2.85%
2008 10.81 3.84%
2009 10.77 -0.36%
2010 10.95 1.64%
2011 11.29 3.16%
2012 11.53 2.07%
2013 11.69 1.46%
2014 11.88 1.62%
2015 11.9 0.12%
2016 12.05 1.26%
2017 12.31 2.13%
2018 12.61 2.49%
2019 12.83 1.76%
2020 12.99 1.23%
2021 13.6 4.70%
2022 14.89 8.52%

Conversion of 1983 dollars to today's price

Based on the 197.47% change in prices, the following 1983 amounts are shown in today's dollars:

Initial value Today value
$1 dollar in 1983 $2.97 dollars today
$5 dollars in 1983 $14.87 dollars today
$10 dollars in 1983 $29.75 dollars today
$50 dollars in 1983 $148.73 dollars today
$100 dollars in 1983 $297.47 dollars today
$500 dollars in 1983 $1487.33 dollars today
$1,000 dollars in 1983 $2974.66 dollars today
$5,000 dollars in 1983 $14873.29 dollars today
$10,000 dollars in 1983 $29746.59 dollars today
$50,000 dollars in 1983 $148732.93 dollars today
$100,000 dollars in 1983 $297465.86 dollars today
$500,000 dollars in 1983 $1487329.32 dollars today
$1,000,000 dollars in 1983 $2974658.63 dollars today

How to calculate the inflated value of $5 in 1983

To calculate the change in value between 1983 and today, we use the following inflation rate formula:

CPI Today / CPI in 1983 x USD Value in 1983 = Current USD Value

By plugging the values into the formula above, we get:

296.276/ 99.6 x $5 = $14.87

To buy the same product that you could buy for $5 in 1983, you would need $14.87 in 2022.

To calculate the cumulative or total inflation rate in the past 39 years between 1983 and 2022, we use the following formula:

CPI in 2022 - CPI in 1983 / CPI in 1983 x 100 = Cumulative Inflation Rate

By inserting the values to this equation, we get:

( 296.276 - 99.6 / 99.6) x 100 = 197.47%

Alternate method to calculate today's value of money after inflation - Using compound interest formula

Given that money changes over time due to inflation, which acts as compound interest, we can use the following formula:

FV = PV (1+i/100)^n


  • FV = Future value
  • PV = Present value
  • i: Average interest rate (inflation)
  • n: Number of times the interest is compounded (i.e. # of years)

The future value in this case represents the amount obtained after applying the inflation rate to our initial value. In other words, it indicates how much $5 is worth today. We have 39 years between 2022 and 1983. The average inflation rate was 2.8346356567702%.

Plugging in the values into the formula, we get:

5 (1+ % 2.83/ 100 ) ^ 39 = $14.87

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